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another saturday

January 9th, 2010 at 06:26 pm

started the day out great. gonna go to the library and pick up the cd's and books i ordered. treat myself to $5 at the dollar store(hair ornaments for me and granddaughters). i spent nothing except regular bills this week and took lunch everyday from leftovers in fridge. my gentleman did take me to the movies, i brought coupon to save him a few dollars on the admission price- we ate sandwiches out of our pockets he is learning Smile took the train and bus everyday-pass is free from work. will come home to check sale for grocery shopping list on monday.

another new year

January 2nd, 2010 at 06:53 pm

today is my mama's 82nd birthday and i will need to go see her and take her the gift that is waiting to be wrapped on my dresser. a frugal gift (got at 50% off) chosen just for her. also take her the christmas gift (no i did not make it over to her place). i am procrastinating starting my bill paying for the month. cannot actually get any monies to creditors til monday?? will take the time to dress and start the day (have completed my bible study). going to see a movie with beau and son's family (hope i can use the $3 off coupons)$7 or $10 - eat before i leave-stick some butter mints in my pocket. this afternoon then go visit other son this evening ($5 towards gas $10 food). have to make grocery list and see if son will take me tomorrow. going to be a busy day. will be spending money as frugally as i can.


October 4th, 2009 at 07:14 pm

gonna go visit then guess i will shop for a few groceries. do not really want to take any from l as dw still here and doing absolutely nothing. have little lady for the day, she spent the evening and should be picked up this afternoon. started playing on avalon- seems interesting

again here

September 28th, 2009 at 12:50 am

forgot this even existed, starting again. lenny in tbird so just got home from visit
have to finish packing up summer clothes and trying to make some headway in the closet

school started

September 3rd, 2008 at 02:55 pm

september 3- $0 spent the first- $3 the second
bringing lunch today
trying again for $0-but when the boys come home from school i know they will bring lists for needs. i did not buy early this year. will probably be hitting big lots.
off to work

starting again

August 11th, 2008 at 02:51 pm

yes its me again and i am starting over again. spent very little this weekend, bought KK a high chAIR IN VERY GOOD shape for $5 at goodwill and 20 on L's medicine. back to to the logging each day of expenses-makes me think a little more. now hoppy needs to go to the vet--that is gonna kill me--but she my baby. off to work to make a dollar

soggy thursday

January 4th, 2008 at 02:46 am

been pouring down most of the day. went and got a large can of cocoa mix for my desk at lunch as i like it when it rains. stood in the isle forever being sure it was a better deal than the individual packets. had some great noodles from viet wah for lunch $1.25 -my spluge for the week Wink did not fix my lunch this am as was paying bills on the pc and took too long.
gas is up again $3.15 a gal
gonna go read some "frugality" articles

happy new year

January 2nd, 2008 at 03:40 am

new years day and going to see if i can start again---every day is a new start right??
got me a notebook to put down daily expenses so i can put together a real budget.
starting there

lets start again

July 4th, 2007 at 02:29 am

alright, time to do this again, divorce is over!!!
debt is ridiculous
but i am going to make it.
going to take a nap, just ate a huge salad then put together a BUDGET for the future which is lookin so much better

another lawyer

February 5th, 2007 at 02:56 pm

i have appt with new lawyer today. $1200 retainier after i blew $3000 with the other---not very frugal am i?
well i was not happy with the guy who replaced the woman i originally chose--not very professional. so far in debt now this will barely show up:}
been doing well on the "compact" though. spent nothing on items except necesseties and of course helped L out as usual. her d got a job that starts next week so they should be better now.
this is a vacation week, need to get master bath painted and clear out some clutter in my room.
no money outlaty except brushes and primer i hope. today will re cauk the tub-remove cupboard doors and clean out shelves. taking baby steps to be sure no cash spent.
have $10.86 in bank- $$150 for food and gas'd up car saturday, should be alright til next payday. now to find more income to slow down the credit card use

truckin on

December 15th, 2006 at 05:15 am

Christmas is coming too soon, yet at a much less harried pace than previous years. the bank account is empty and have no want to get any deeper in credit card debt. so far have kept to my word about "no debt/buy" Christmas celebrations (i usually pay til the following july). took the little boys to ride the Carosel at the Seattle Center, walked all around and looked the the Train and Christmas village, watched several dance numbers on stage free and bought fudge and saltwater taffy. great afternoon for the four of us--$12

christmas gifts for about 20 people
------so far $23--- $11 gloves (10 pair)
$6 yarn $6 crayons

mama 0 done
sis 0 done
dd1 2 done
dd2 2 done
dds1 1
dds2 1
gd1 1 done
gd2 1 done
gs1 1 partly
gs2 1 partly
gs3 4 done
gs4 4 done
nn1 partly
dnl1 2 done
dnl2 1 partly
snl1 0
snl2 0
frn1 0
frn2 0
frn3 0
frn4 0
cwkr 0
boss 0


November 29th, 2006 at 03:19 pm

have not been in this journal in months, and my money is royally screwed. i am back in debt, not enough coming in, not even sure if i will be able to make the minimum bills in 12/06---but will keep on. will come home from work tonite and get the 'first' bills together to be mailed (the ones i cannot pay online) and get the car insurance paid. refuse to get deeper in debt for christmas. have mama, sister, granddaughters and the secret santa person from work covered (no outgo) now to get my kids figured out and try to stay on the no outgo. have explained it to the big kids and requested no things, but experiences this year.
time to hit the ice and get to work

the first!!!

June 2nd, 2006 at 04:00 am

bills are paid
broke, but thats alright

back on track

November 3rd, 2005 at 12:47 am

been so long since i put anything down here! i am in terrible shape, so gong to try and get back on track, am in DEBT BIGTIME!!!
stop spending frivously
put the credit cards up (almost maxed anyway Wink
back to the budget
wish me luck
nah i need more than luck, need self control
and prayers

another friday

April 23rd, 2005 at 02:35 am

alright, spent $5 on gas, $5 to charles and $1 to lunch
made $30 for washing to towels

thursday ct scan

April 21st, 2005 at 02:55 pm

cannot eat anymore til after my ct scan at 1 so that will keep me away from snack area. got to balance the checkbook tonite and make sure lia has enough for her sf trip. went and got three books from library last nite.
going to take the one on simple living in purse as i am sure i will be waiting at hospital some times. will get some tea for breaks at work and walk at lunches again. trim the budget and my waist maybe. time for work

i have screwed up

April 21st, 2005 at 03:56 am

i cannot believe i have completely screwed up my budget and got into debt this quick! well i have gotten out before, this will just be a little more challenging. going to get going and read the get out of debt tips, redo the budget and get back up there again. just as long as i do not get more behind i should be out of this temporary pit in ummmmmmmmmmm six months??? i know i can do it - and i think keeping the journal is going to help.
maybe will not entertain you much, but guess what? this is for me and at least for the next six months, my entertainment will be coming from the library
so that is where i am off to right now

back from vacation

April 18th, 2005 at 11:53 pm

i am back from vacation with my daughter and 6 of my grandkids. was great, we spent too much money, specially on food, but i feel great about it. husband and three boys painted the inside of our little house while i was gone with the little ones. not the colors i wanted, and since it was their first time a few flaws---but i love the ugly fake paneling is gone!. live in a older manufactured home that needs a lot of love and work. we are doing it a little at a time and learning by our mistakes. the paint was free, got it from a recycling program and the labor was given by my husband and older boys. only paid for the pans, rollers and brushes. will take me awhile to get the house put back together--

sicker than a dog

April 5th, 2005 at 03:48 pm

now i know why i was so down yesterday. i am sick. will not be spending any money today unless i buy some theraflu
back to bed

monday again!

April 4th, 2005 at 02:19 pm

have already messed up the budget and week just started. rd had to go to the emergency room yesterday and the script cost $102. he has no insurance being self employed anyway makes little money. have vacation coming up next week and not even sure if will have gas money to get to the resort, let alone anything to spend. hopefully will have the few dollars from towels and dog duty. that will be $70, should get me there and back. and about $100 for food- will have to do. the girls are supposed to provide own food for family, we will see.
m made me a p&b sandwich and i have a can of soup so lunch for day and bringing an orange for lunch. do not have to worry about the snack bar, have nothing to spend.
going to be a good day

just money

March 30th, 2005 at 02:40 am

yesterday $6.50 $5 gas $1.50 lunch
so far today only $5 gas, lunch was free as i went to a work related conference and they fed us

tweaking the budget

March 28th, 2005 at 03:37 pm

got it down on paper and hung up on my bedside table. now if rd just pays his part of the car notes and we do not eat we should make it. looks like a tight april is coming up. going to do the write everything down thing this month as i have been wandering off the road lately. used the credit cards too much for kids stuff and now behind. this will be the first time if ever just paid the minimuns, but hopefully will get back on track and need to find a couple hustles this month. i did use some sense on easter though, did not do baskets as i could not afford them. gave out a couple cadbury eggs to my grown ones, the grandkids were left to their parents. have my soup and pudding in my purse for lunch, cocoa in my drawer at work for break.
going ot be a good frugal day.


March 16th, 2005 at 03:26 am

spent only $4.50 today, took my lunch but splurged on the pop(.50). drank cocoa from my desk for breaks, stayed away from the coffee place.. did buy 4 chairs for the yard for $4 (could find them cheap enough at 2nd hand stores--so tried craiglist!)
i am very tired, so going to eat and hit the bed

sunday spluge

February 22nd, 2005 at 02:42 pm

spent my holiday yesterday splurging. aricka and i went to the goodwill in bellevue and seattle. president's sale, though neither one of us had thought about the day being a sale. i bought a blue(;>) and white kitty cookie jar $4.20, a small canister - colbalt blue( ;>) $.79, little blue (;>)cup and saucer $.79, five teaspoons (mine keep disapearing) $1.00, blue and white spoon rest (;>), tall green hamper for my bath (right shade too) $4.20, a shower caddy to hold soap and shampoo $1.60, two new toothbrushes (like to keep extra's for unexpected overnite guests) $.69, two heavy wooden side chairs $6.00 each as the chairs in the kitchen are getting wobbly and i want to paint these blue to go with the decor i want in the kitchen. i also seen a blue and white duvet cover i wanted to buy for kitchen curtains. i talked myself out of it. will look for fabric for curtains another time. $25.27, the money i made from washing towels, which is mine for household, not bad. spent the evening cleaning all my treasures and putting them away. not sure what i "saved", but had a good time.

refund gone

February 14th, 2005 at 02:39 pm

took my refund and paid up all bills and paid the tp debt completely off. at this moment do not owe anyone (cept the bank for house and cars). do not have much left but it is a great feeling!!!!

off new a new start - again

January 17th, 2005 at 04:22 pm

well i am going to start this again. will balance the checkbook this morning and see where i am at. then get another budget drawn up as i was lax and pretty crazy in december. said i would not go overboard, but i did. first -after bills- need to check out freezer and cupboards and put together a menu for this week. will try to stay out of the grocery store for any extra runs. always end up picking up "extras" or "goodies" that i sure do not need. then find some things to keep me busy taking care of the things i already own and not spend any money buying more. instead will make a plan to clean out some closets and boxes so we can move around in this little place. wish me luck

a day off?

November 27th, 2004 at 04:59 pm

rd is off to earn a dollar. i have the day off, actually will be watching grandkids and washing clothes. no dollars being earned here. !wait! , i am washing in cold water, just let it soak a while. everything is clean and electricty bill not so high. going to cut paper snowflakes out of recycled (paper from recycle box at work) and put in windows--free decorations and fun mess for me and three year old. already cleaned the kitchen (vinegar and baking soda) frugally and kills germs. start the bathroom while kids are sleep and t v off. will look for other ways cheapie later

black friday

November 26th, 2004 at 05:45 pm

just me and the two youngest grandkids at home watching the holiday paradd on t v (kids have colds so could not go downtown) while people are SHOPPING!!. we will not go to the stores to "save" today. going to spend the day caring for the things i already have. do not need more stuff. do not believe i can save on something i would not have bought if it wasn't on sale.


November 5th, 2004 at 02:34 pm

what this is the fifth, five more days til payday. oh well - i will be just a broke then. in a pissy mood this a m. going to try a new recipe for mac & cheese with imitation crab i found on a frugal site tonite. sounded good last nite and i already have the stuff in freezer. made corned beef from scratch yesterday-not frugal with the price of corned beef! but with eggs and toast, sure was good and everyone was full. have to sit down and get my weekly menu together tonite so i can make a shopping list for tomorrow. stay on track for food. also get together the Christmas list, i told the kids not to buy me stuff - i want things from their hands or time. creativity. that will go for me also as with r d not working fulltime the money is tighter than usual. time to go to work


November 4th, 2004 at 02:56 pm

ready for the day and going to stay on track. bring lunch, stay away from snack store. here i go

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